We promise your money back if the item you ordered didn’t arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn’t match the listing or if your item is not delivered .
For all the details of how the Money Back Guarantee works, please see our full policy guidelines below.

Item not received
You can report that you didn’t receive an item within 30 days after your item was shipped.
We have 7 business days from the report to respond to you with a solution (through either a replacement, a return, or a refund). If you are unsatisfied with the solution,we will issue a refund.

Item not as described
You must request a return no later than 14 days after the delivery date.
We have 7 business days from the report to respond to you with a solution (through either a replacement, a return, or a refund).
If we shipped a replacement or exchange an item and you have not shipped the original item back within 7 business days of the buyer starting the return,
we charge the buyer’s PayPal account for the replacement or exchange.

Replacement and exchange
You can request replacement and exchanges an item you received. Exchanges are based on value of the original purchased item, with current and equal value.
You must request a return and select the replacement or exchange option no later than 14 days after delivery date.

Timelines for replacement and exchanges
When the buyer requests a replacement or an exchange the seller has 7 business days to respond to the buyer.
If a replacement or exchange is agreed upon, You have 5 business days to ship the item back to the seller with return tracking.
If the buyer doesn’t ship the item within 5 business days, the replacement or exchange will be closed.
If you don’t ship the return item back to us , and we shipped the replacement or exchange with confirmed delivery scan,
after 20 business days we will be paid the value of the additional item.
You will be charged for this additional item via the buyer’s PayPal account.